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     Autism and The Arts, Page Five


The Autistic Manifesto for Creatives: This video describes my unusual work ethic. To the outsider, this process might be seen as a form of self torture, but I chose to see it as a path to “personal enrichment.” However, I would not wish it on anybody.

The closing music is the tail end of Elegy | Empathy from my Dry Erasure album.


A Cathedral of 7th Chords: A walkthrough is provided of my creative process in music writing, and how melodies built around beautiful 7th chords practically write themselves. This theme is the third and final one for my Salad Days of The Holocene.

This music evokes the breezy continental style of 1960s samba jazz and basso nova. For me, the mood I set is for a childhood home of fond recollection circa 1970. BUT, by all means, pull up a poolside deck chair and a cocktail of your choice, and soak up the sun.


My Childhood Encounter with Machine Elves: My childhood encounter with Terence McKenna’s “machine elves” came about by unusual circumstances. Did my near-death episode involving these creatures influence my love of unconventional monsters? They lurked in my bedroom walls for many years as a boy, coming out only with the onset of sleep.

Do these whimsical elves share any relationship with the mechanisms of autism?


The Art of Being Left Behind: The paradox of autism is that it can be a gift and a curse at the same time. I spent half my life not understanding why I could not succeed in my creative endeavors, or why making social connections was the most important part of this equation. This is first in a series of videos outlining a dilemma that may be very common for autistic creatives.


The Artist as Doctor Frankenstein: A monster made of clothe pins is realized as a color pencil drawing. The toned paper used is part of The Stonehenge Series by Legion. My assemblage approach to picture building is a variation on the one originated by Late Renaissance painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo.


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